Solid Rock Baptist Church

Bus Rider Permission form
For South Madison County Area
Dear Parent or Custodian:

With your permission, the Bus Ministry of Solid Rock Baptist Church would like to provide transportation for you and your child(ren) to our Church services and to other special church-sponsored activities.

The Bus Ministry of Solid Rock Baptist Church exists in order to:
      A) Help the Church fulfill its purpose of Evangelism and Discipleship.
      B) Reach out to communities with no local church trying to reach them.
      C) Provide transportation to Church for those who have no transportation.

Parent/Custodian Statement:
I give consent for my child(ren) named in this form to ride to and from Solid Rock Baptist Church services and church-sponsored events on Solid Rock Baptist Church buses or buses leased to Solid Rock Baptist Church. Further, I agree to hold the Solid Rock Baptist Church, its officers, workers or representatives guiltless in the event of accident or injury to my child (ren).

I further grant permission for Solid Rock Baptist Church workers to act on my behalf in the event of accident or injury to my child(ren) provided reasonable effort has been made to reach me. By signing below, I affirm that my child(ren) can legally be transported on a bus in Indiana. Specifically, each child listed is at least 48 months old (4 years) and weighs at least 40 pounds.